Monday, June 30, 2008

About Arpan Blood Bank


Facts about Arpan Blood Bank


Founded in 1996, Arpan Blood Bank is largest network of non-profit Blood Banks in five disctritcts of Maharashtra State (Nasik, Nagar, Nanded, Thane and Mumbai).
Arpan Blood Banks are regulated by Food and Drug Administration, GoI.
Located in 8 Cities in Maharashtra State of India

ARPAN Members:
Serve more than 5 million people at 600-plus collection sites.
Provide blood products and services to more than 1000 hospitals and healthcare facilities across Western Region.

Blood Banking Philosophy

Arpan members subscribe to a geography-based blood banking philosophy. That means donors know that the blood they give stays in that area first – helping family members, friends and neighbors. Any excess supply is shared with other areas who need it most.

Blood Collection Statistics

1 million units of whole blood (15% of the Western Region’s volunteer donor blood supply).
More than 1 million blood components (including red blood cells, platelets and plasma) to hospitals.
Largest source of blood donations: corporate and community blood drives.
Other donation sources: colleges, civic groups and the faith community.
Research and Development
ARPAN is dedicated to R&D in Transfusion Domain to continuously improve quality of Transfusion Services

Member Milestones:

ARPANs revolutionized Blood Transfusion Services by way of introducing State of the Art Blood Donation Vans
ARPANs serve over 1000 Thallasamia patients in the region
Pioneering effort to bring State – of – the – Art machinery in the region..
Lead efforts in organizing Maharashtra Blood Banks’ Association.
Established Thallasamia Care Unit in 1999
Established Vasantiben Narendra Shah Eye Bank in 2005
Establish a counseling centre for AIDS / HIV patients.

Member Activities:

ARPANs are continuously striving to advance all aspects of Transfusion Medicine by:
Providing a forum for discussion and communication
Promoting education
Providing a continuing professional development scheme
Producing professional guidelines
Publishing a members' newsletter and scientific journal
Encouraging research and development
Fostering links with relevant external bodies

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The Social Challange

Thalassaemia is a anaemic blood disorder. A person suffering from this disorder has defective manufacture of hemoglobin and ineffective erythropoiesis ie. manufacture of blood cells in the bone marrow. Thalassaemia is one of the most common inherited disease.This disorder is geographically common in the people of Mediterranean, African and Southeast Asian origin. The cause of the disease is not known other than the fact that it is an inherited disorder.
Thalassaemia Major is the severe type where the patient has acute anaemia. The patient has frequent leg ulcers, enlarged spleen and jaundice. Ineffective erythropoiesis causes abnormal skeletal development. The long bones suffer frequent fractures and growth is stunted. Iron deposits in the heart muscles can cause complications and heart failure. Iron deposits in liver lead to dysfunctioning of the liver. The life expectancy of Thalassaemia patients is greatly diminished.
Thalassaemia Minor patients have slight anaemia but lead normal lives. Such patients at times do not even know they are carrying the disease. It is discovered only after a special blood test. Sometimes a Thalassaemia Minor patient discovers the disease after his/her child has Thalassaemia Major. Therefore it is of prime importance to know if you have Thalassaemia Minor when you want to start a family.
The only treatment for Thalassaemia Major is periodic blood transfusions every 3 to 4 weeks. Children with periodic blood transfusions lead quite normal lives upto the age of 20 to 25 years. With each blood transfusion the red cells in the new blood are broken down over a period of 4-5 months. However the iron from the red blood cells remains in the body and can damage the liver, heart and other body organs. If this is not prevented most patients die in their early twenties. Therefore the blood transfusions have to be supplemented by drug treatment to remove the extra iron from the body. The treatment is very successful and most children treated with blood transfusions and drugs lead fairly normal healthy lives. However the treatment is unpleasant and hampers with an active social life.
Thus following comprises treatment during life of Thalasaemia Major Children.
· Establishing Thalassaemia Day Care centers.
· Making Blood available to Thalasaemia.
· Identify Donors for Thallasaemia with Negative Blood Groups.
· Providing iron Chelation.
· Ensuring vaccination for hepatitis B.
· Periodic testing for health parameters.
· Providing facilities for psychological counseling.
· Splenectomy when indicated.
· Bone marrow transplant.
· Workshops for children and their parents.
Entertainment programmes.


a) Blood transfusion – on an average twice every month.
b) Filters during transfusion
c) Folic acid tablet
d) Iron chelation – every day
e) Serum ferritin Test – once in 3 months
f) Heart condition test (ECG, 2D Echo) once in 12 months
g) Full blood test (including TTDs) once in 12 months
h) Endocrine Tests – once in 12 months


Per Child Per Month Cost Chart for Treatment:

1) Blood Transfusion Twice a month Rs. 1500
2) Filters Twice a month Rs 1400
3) Blood Sets Twice a month Rs. 200
4) C.B.C Twice a month Rs. 200
Rs. 3300

Folic Acid Tablet Rs. 150
Only Desferal Rs. 11000
Only Kelfer Rs. 1500
Combination of Desferal and Kelfer Rs. 8200

Periodic Tests
1) Serum Ferritin Rs. 250 every 3 months Rs. 83
2) Full blood test Rs. 1200 every 12 months Rs. 100
3) Heart condition Rs. 5000 every 12 months Rs. 417
4) Endocrine Rs. 2000 every 12 months Rs. 168
5) Bone Scan Rs. 2500 every 12 months Rs. 208
Rs. 976

Arpan has adopted 200 Thallasaemia Major children. The estimated expenses for their treatment per annum is INR 36,00,000..

We appeal you to come forward and support the cause with generous heart.
Please contact our Director, Varsha on 9975565001 to know the details